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Rawbiotics GUT balances the function of the gastro-intestinal tract and works to correct imbalances that lead to digestive disorders such as IBS, bloating, acid reflux, diarrhea and constipation. Rawbiotics GUT includes a selection of herbal extracts that work with the live probiotics to address the cause of digestive issues and restore long-term healthy balance to the gastro-intestinal tract. Contains the following herbs: Slippery Elm, Lemon Balm, Peppermint, Rose Hip.

1 review for Rawbiotics Gut Correct Liquid Probiotic 1L

  1. Anna Marie

    This product just works..sorted me out. Thank you!!

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Rawbiotics are live, non-freeze-dried, liquid probiotics. There is no more natural and effective form of probiotic than Rawbiotics. The advantage Rawbiotics has over Kombucha, Kefir, Maas or anything other fermented liquid probiotic, is that it is produced using a method that gives them a long shelf-life and therefore they don’t need to be refrigerated. Due to the stringent temperature controls, and control of sugars and pH in our brewing process, we create a product that is stable for more than 2 years once bottled. Rawbiotics are vegan friendly. They are also gluten and lactose free, and safe for diabetics.
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